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If you are looking for my IBOT post it is here - I submitted the wrong link because I am having a bad day - sorry :)

Without Further Ado....

If you are looking for my IBOT post it is here - I submitted the wrong link because I am having a bad day - sorry :)
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8 Responses
  1. Lisa Says:

    Congratulations, lovely photos.

  2. Rhia Says:

    Thanks Lisa. I do LOVE them but even they can't quite capture the magic of the day. Though they are pretty close :-)

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Gorgeous, Gorgeous and more Gorgeous. The Groom didn't scrub up too badly either. You both look so happy! Beautiful.

  4. Rhia Says:

    Thanks K. Yes your brother is quite the spunk :-) He did a very good job of being my handsome prince and we are looking forward to our 'happily ever after'

  5. such beautiful photos!! congratulations!! :)

  6. btw..

    you have been visited by a member of #teamIBOT - :) - have a great day!

  7. LOVE these gorgeous wedding snaps. Bali looks perfect!!

  8. Rhia Says:

    Awww thanks guys *blush*